I wrote about counterculture movies of the late sixties and early seventies and the Vietnam War for Grolsch Canvas. You can check it out by following this link.
Here's a little background.....
Vietnam was a trampling ground for Japanese and French colonial forces from the 17th century onward. In 1954, after a series of brutal revolts, The Geneva Accords granted Vietnam its independence from France. The U.S, initially pledging to aid the democratic process for fledgling nations, backtracked considerably when Communist revolutionaries, led by Ho Chi Minh, gained momentum in the North. America threw its weight behind the Southern puppet state, installing autocratic leader Ngo Dinh Diem and ignoring appeals from Ho Chi Minh to uphold ideals of self-determination. When a North Vietnamese takeover in 1964 led to the alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident, Lyndon Johnson officially declared war on North Vietnam.....